OK, so these aren't the most flattering pictures, but I don't even mind. I had just had a baby and I recognize that I wasn't looking my best, but it's really more about the adorable baby, isn't it?
Awhile ago, my friend Jackie Smith (see her blog here) convinced me that I needed the Paper Lace Cricut Cartridge, so I naturally said, OK. I hadn't used it until now, but I think it's one of my new favorite cartridges. There are lots of intricate patterns, but also some cool borders and other items. It seems to be my Go To cartridge. I used it to create the border and shadow on the first page and the flowers.
The patterned paper I used on the second page has some yellow on it and the pink and yellow looked so pretty, so I tried to add yellow onto the layout. I did some flowers and the shadow in yellow, but I couldn't do it. It just didn't look good. I know I get caught up in monochromatic and I've had my sister tell me to just add some colour, but I still fall back into what I feel comfortable. And that's OK. Sometimes, it's fun to experiment (I did that today - holy colour Batman; watch for that post in a day or two - you'll know it when you see it), but there is nothing wrong with doing what we do well. So, try new things, but don't feel bad if it doesn't work. We won't like everything we make. And that's fine. Once in awhile, though, it will work and we'll be left smiling.

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