The product was Ranger's Rub It Scrub It. It is a stamp scrubbie and it works so great. I've had a few different versions of these and I have really liked them, but my beef with them was always that they sprayed wet; often times onto my newly finished stamping project. Eventually I got smart and kept it way out of the way, but that was kind of a pain too. The main difference that I've noticed with this scrubber is that the bristles are quite hard; they're not even really bristles. I'm not sure how to describe them, but they clean like mad and they don't spray, so I'm OK with not being able to describe them. It doesn't have an outside case and I was worried that the cleaner would seep out or drip but it doesn't. This has become my new favorite scrubber!!

While I was reading a tutorial on the Ranger site, it mentioned needing a Craft Scrubbie, so I looked into that. It's almost like a very fine pumice stone and you use it to clean off the ink and glue from your fingers. I was quite surprised to find out it works really well too. I guess I shouldn't be surprised as most Ranger products are quite good. And at $5, it's very reasonable too.

I've decided that in addition to sharing projects I've made, that I would share information about products too. It's always great to hear someone talk about something cool. Lots of the cool stuff I get to bring in and play with are actually suggestions from friends and customers. And to thank Jan for the great tip about the Rub It Scrub It, I am going to give her a Craft Scrubbie. I liked it so much, that I opened two by mistake, so I have an extra just waiting to give Jan the next time I see her. Thanks, Jan!!
For my blog readers, if you are interested in these product, I will sell the two of them together for $8 instead of the regular $9. Just let me know that you'd like to order a Cleaning set.
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