I thought it would be fun to make cool chalkboards for the kids so they could write notes and such. Kayla loves to write us notes and have us write them back. She had this little pouch thing on her door, but it always fell down, and wasn't ideal.
I ordered a couple of nice 12x12 black frames by Prima and just put the 12x12" chalkboard paper. The tricky part was trying to figure out how I was going to adhere it to their doors without wrecking them. I didn't want to put a nail in the door and I wanted the frame to be more stable and secure. I finally settled on the 3M Command Velcroe Strips. These are the removable ones; they have the hooks too. I put the velcro on the door and on the frame and it works great. We can take it down off the door if we want, but when it's on the door, it's really secure and sturdy.
The kids love it and were so excited. I hung them and then just wrote Kayla's Room on hers and Eric's Room on is (original, huh?). Within minutes, the kids had erased them and Kayla had hers all allocated for comments.

Eric had written Star Wars on his, along with characters and Transformers.

They've since added more stuff and changed them several times, but they love them! I have ordered more of the chalkboard paper as I think it would be cool to punch out pieces and attach them to cards with a handwritten note.
Very cool!